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How to Book Your Bouquet Preservation
and what to expect
Head to the "book now" tab and fill in the details. If you are booking a NON WEDDING bouquet, enter today's date.
If I have availability for your date, you'll get an invoice sent to you for a $100 non-refundable deposit. Once your deposit is paid, your date will be locked in!
You're all set until the week of your wedding!
For non-wedding bouquets, I will be in touch with you as soon as possible with instructions on how to ship or where to drop off your bouquet.
Get your bouquet to me and I'll handle the rest. There are 3 options:
1. Drop off at my home in Hammond, WI (just outside of Hudson, WI) on Monday after your wedding.
​2. Drop off in Eau Claire, WI at Chippewa Valley Floral the Monday after your wedding. The shop is open until 5pm for drop offs.
3. Ship on the Monday after your wedding! Shipping instructions will be sent the week of your wedding.
*holidays will impact drop off. If any holiday falls on a Monday, drop off will happen on Tuesday.
Your remaining balance will be due before your frame is shipped or picked up!
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